
Friday, 29 September 2017


For the last couple of weeks, we have been campaigning across the school. This is due to our PBL focus being on politics and politicians, because of the General Election.
It has been very interesting and challenging; running a campaign is a lot trickier than I thought! But our group, The Positive Party, works very well together, which, in my opinion, is the most important thing. I wish had spent more time agreeing on the theme and viewpoint of our group, we spent almost two weeks deciding what were going to focus on. 

We did our best work on campaigning, we were really good at advertising to the public and getting votes. It was really fun participating in a real-life political campaign, and this experience was very educational. However, I didn't like some of the competitiveness, especially when it got in the way of having a fair campaign. I reckon we should've included some people from younger hubs to help with our campaigning; it would've made it a lot easier to spread the word for each group.

Have you ever had to run for a political position? What strategies or tactics did you use? Comment below!

Friday, 8 September 2017

Politician Visits

Throughout the last couple of weeks, we have been lucky enough to be visited from some the electorate MP candidates from the National and Labour parties. I have never learned about politics before, so this PBL unit is very beneficial not only to me but my peers as well. 

Firstly, we were visited by Jo Hayes, the National candidate for Christchurch East. She talked about strategies and tactics to grab your voters attention and votes. It is also very important to organise your 'plan of attack', and not to give free stuff away, otherwise people may struggle to take you seriously.

Later that day, Duncan Webb came to talk to us. Duncan Webb is the Labour candidate for Christchurch Central. He told us about make sure you focus on communicating with the people. The reason you want to govern an area is because you want to change something that benefits everyone, so what better to way to find out what people want then to ask them.

Next Poto Williams came to chat about how you really need to be passionate about your point. Poto is the Labour candidate for Christchurch East. She also explained how tag lines and slogans can help your campaign (your campaign is your efforts to become MP).

Finally, Nicky Wagner visited us to talk to us about flyers. Billboards are also a great way of telling who your party is, who you are, and what your point is. She also liked to wear certain colours on her clothing; she was wearing blue shoes, which shows she's the candidate for National (Christchurch Central).

Overall, these Politician visit were very good experiences. Using the information we have learnt, my party should be able to win the vote and become the governors of the school! When have you ever taken part in an election for a position or role? Comment your answers!